Oct 14, 2022
One of the hardest things (I would imagine) for Biblical Fiction authors has to be finding a fresh look at a topic people know really well without changing the facts of Scripture or presuming too much on it. Well, authors like Elizabeth Jacobson are particularly good at giving us another way of looking at potential motivations for actions, and that can totally change how we view things.
And well, that just makes for good storytelling. Listen in while Elizabeth tells why she chose to portray Joseph the way he did and what obstacles she saw as especially pertinent to his story.
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And Joseph certainly fits that bill. Everyone loves a story where the underdog saves the day, and while he was a strong guy, you can't deny that Joseph definitely had his underdog moments. Just listening to Elizabeth Jacobson talking about that moment after he's been made second in command over all of Egypt was enough for me to want to send a care package through time.
I doubt Joseph would have appreciated the melted chocolate and can of Coke. Maybe popcorn. Or would he think that was supposed to go in his funeral jars? Hmmm...
Anyway, Not only does Elizabeth Jacobson love the Word and the stories in it, she also loves spec-fic and talked just enough about her current project to make me anxious to read it.
Oh, and remember how we said her hardback was on sale? It still is! In fact, it's almost HALF the cost of the paperback, so don't miss out on it! I got mine in the mail a couple or three weeks back and it's beautiful. I have it between Jubilee Lipsey's My Brother the King and Nadine Brandes' Fawkes. I think Elizabeth would approve!
Beloved. Betrayed. Despised. Exalted.
What could make a man turn to God when every event in his life
screams that God has turned his back on him?
Joseph, the eleventh son of the patriarch Jacob, had his father’s
favor, and that was his downfall. Sold into Egypt by his enraged
and jealous brothers, Joseph is left with nothing to cling to
except the stories of his father’s God, a seemingly remote and
unreachable figure.
Faith may prove futile, but Joseph is desperate – for the very hate that enslaved his brothers has begun to overtake him.
You can learn more about Elizabeth Jacobson on her WEBSITE.