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Feb 1, 2025

 As much as many of us read to escape the evil in the world, sometimes we need to get a picture of what we're fighting against, what people are dealing with, what to pray for. Authors like Cher Gatto do the hard work for us. Listen in and see what we'll get for the sequel to Something I Am Not.

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 Cher is back with more about Billy, but wow.  We so often think about getting people out of these terrible situations, but how often do we realize the far-reaching consequences for others' sins in our lives? The things survivors must deal with daily?

But not only that, Cher gave us a tiny picture into her book, Regent. I don't know about you, but I'm dying to find out what happens in that one, too!

 Something Else by Cher Gatto


Something Else is the anticipated sequel to the award-winning novel, Something I Am Not, and continues the story of small-town quarterback hopeful, Billy McQueen, stolen as a child, raised in a barroom, and sold by his illegitimate father. Now, he is reunited with his real family, married to his best friend, and works to set others free. But a note from his past sends him spiraling back into the world he fought so hard to escape, and Billy comes face-to-face with not only the evil that put him there but the ever-present darkness inside him.

"I never understood why my nights brought me here. Why I would ever want to relive my years at TKO. The club. The apartments upstairs. Maybe I came here looking for answers. Maybe I wanted to understand something that might put right the broken pieces within me. If I could find a reason, an explanation, then I would know why God let it happen. How I could have been taken from my home as a little boy and stripped of everything good, until nothing was left.

Maybe the rubble of the warehouse, charred from the fire of my fabricated death and plastered with half-hung For Sale signs, painted the most accurate picture of what I felt like on the inside.

Maybe that's why I came."

Learn more about Cher on her WEBSITE and follow her on GoodReads and BookBub.

Don't miss the first episode about Something I Am Not HERE.

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