Apr 22, 2022
Every bibliophile needs a good read (or even better, a great
one), and have I got a great one for you! I take a few
minutes to gush about one story I can't get out of my head and
heart, The Gold in These Hills, and the wonderful world of
books otherwise known as GoodReads.
Note: links may be affiliate links that provide me with a small
commission at no extra expense to you.
A Gush about a Good (more like GREAT) Read & GoodReads
I'm not going to go too much into The Gold in These
Hills. That's the book I gushed about, and you can read my
review of it HERE for
my double coppers on that sucker.
But GoodReads deserves a little bit of gushing, too.
Because after years of underestimating the genius of it, I am a
huge, raving fan. Yes, there are drawbacks. Can you say
clunky interface? But with a few tips, you can get past that.
So, without further ado, here are ...
SEVEN reasons or ways to use GoodReads.
- Keep track of all those great books you hear about but can't
start reading today. Janey Sue mentions this great book by Kate
Angelo. In the car on the way home (if you're a phone person) or
once you get home, you can add Driving Force to your "Want
to Read" and forget about it--until you need a book. Then you go to
that "shelf," scroll through the covers, and voila! You see
it, choose it, and buy it.
- FREE books. GoodReads always has tons of giveaways. I go
through periodically and enter the ones I want. Oh, and do authors
a favor! Share that giveaway! We appreciate that.
- "Update Progress." For the longest time that made no
sense. Why would I want to stop reading to share an update on
my reading progress? Well, there are quite a few
reasons! For example:
- I can comment on the things I really love or dislike on those
comments, which gives me a mini-summary of my reading
experience. I can cobble all of those together at the end and
voila! A book review!
- If I have to put the book down for any reason, I can tell by my
comments what was going on again and I don't have to start
- It helps authors! No, really. Every comment you
make gets put into your "feed." Anyone following you sees
those updates and may discover they want to read the book (or
not!!!), too!
- Learn about other books. Seriously, I can't tell you how
many books I've learned about just because someone added them
to their shelves.
- Reviews. Want to know if a book is your jam? Some
GoodReads reviews even have spoilers if you're really not sure how
much vampireness you can stand from Dracula or if
maybe you should just go read Anne of Green Gables
like any other sane person (just joking!!!) Bonus points for
helping authors!
- You can post like you can on Facebook. Ask for recommendations.
Share a quote image (use HTML. HERE is
where you can copy the code you need). Thank an author (seriously,
I need to do this!). Whatever. If you'd post about it
(book) FB, it can go here, too!
- Groups. Yep, like Facebook (see, it's really Facebook for
readers and readers only--no politics! Sorta... some
books...), there are GoodReads groups! We even have a Christian
Fiction group on GR that we're trying to kick off the ground.
Check that out
I mentioned maybe making an infographic with these things,
Well, I found one online, and while it's not exactly the same,
since I don't have all my tips and tricks here, I'm going to just
leave this LINK and
then make another post later if/when I ever get mine made.